Cheap or expensive: you get what you pay for

Cheap or expensive: you get what you pay for

February 19, 2014

For several years, we have been watching the websites of small companies appear and disappear. A project valuation conducted by a recently-opened small firm or a freelancer may seem cheaper than what we offer. However, can you really be sure that the contractor won't suddenly go on holiday, fall ill or switch off his mobile phone? Will he be able to create, test and, if needs be, correct your software product in due time, providing all the necessary documentation?

The price that we charge implies that a reliable team of professionals will be dedicated to working on your project day in, day out: a project manager, architect, programmers and testers. All technical resources and consultations with accountants and lawyers are included in the final cost of each project. EDISON's commercial offer guarantees that suitable specialists are made available and are allocated to your project so tasks are completed on time. If we cannot provide this guarantee at a given time, the assessment is not carried out.

Most people find it difficult to organise themselves outside a team – without a manager, a specially equipped workplace, a set time limit and without penalties for breaches of labour discipline. There is also the risk that a freelancer may unexpectedly be given additional tasks at his main workplace, meaning he simply does not have time to fulfil his obligations under your contract. Moreover, several programmers are required to complete a large project within a reasonable time frame. An individual is limited to 8 working hours a day, but in a company this time allocation can be greatly increased by adding further specialists to the project team.

Task-sharing in a team rules out any possibility of conflict: a programmer writes the code, a manager deals with any organisational issues and an accountant ensures the correct circulation of documents. If you fail to see eye-to-eye with a freelancer and he walks out, then you may ultimately be left with nobody to complete your project. An individual programmer working alone lacks the necessary legal education and background to adequately deal with potentially damaging situations, such as, breaches of obligations or violations of a client's intellectual property rights. In most cases, a contractor of this type or a small team will not be able to compensate you for mistakes they make (at least not in cash). In most cases, it is easier for them to simply disappear or close the firm.

One programmer working alone is seldom expert enough to answer all of a client's technical questions and will waste a great deal of time researching these queries. In a software company, there are always experienced colleagues on hand to provide advice whenever necessary.

In the end, working with a stable company that charges average rates will not be much more expensive (and may even be cheaper) than experimenting with various “here-today-gone-tomorrow firms” or individual freelancers. This will also require less time and effort on project maintenance. We recommend that you keep our contact details for future reference. Our doors are always open to you.