Productive team work at software development company depends on harmonious relationships among company staff. A friendly, solid team can accomplish much more than several highly-qualified specialists working on their own. If employees are properly selected, with time, they should find a common language with their colleagues and work well together. However, team building is intended to speed up this process and works to unite staff members.

Team building is a term used mainly in the context of business and refers to a wide spectre of activities aimed at creating teams and improving their efficiency in the workplace. The idea of team work was borrowed from the sports sphere and was actively integrated in management strategies in the 1960s and 1970s.

Team building pursues several goals:
- Helping workers from different departments to get to know each other
- Creating opportunities for informal communication
- Raising a team's efficiency in the workplace
- Increasing the level of staff interaction
- Uniting company employees
- Evaluating the role of each “player” in the team: identifying leaders and outsiders
- Acquiring skills for solving non-standard tasks
- Raising motivation to achieve common goals
- Relieving stress and fatigue
- An opportunity for staff members to challenge themselves in new roles

For decades the most successful form of team building has been spending leisure time together (particularly participating in various sporting activities and outdoor pursuits). This form of team building provides a natural and genuine way of interacting with colleagues in an informal atmosphere. Team sports, such as bowling, indoor football, volleyball and others, work best to unite and improve the wellbeing and spirit of team members.